Sunday, January 15, 2012

Feeding Birds

Just to prove that we do have wildlife in the garden here are some photos of birds on our feeders (they should turn the right way up when you view them). It's still very mild so not too much feeding going on compared to previous years - that feeder is in front of a twisted hazel and I suspect it has a lot of insects overwintering under the bark because the birds do a lot of hopping and exploring among the branches. We had long tailed tits around this week, they turn up and raid the fat ball in the cage: very 'happy' birds long tailed tits...

Then, just as I was going back indoors I heard a deep buzzing - yes in mid january there was a bumble bee. It's been very mild and quite sunny here today and it may have been enough to get it out of hibernation - I hope it's got enough sense to find somwhere to go torpid again soon so it survives till the spring.

The pond is still frozen over, not much going on. Though I did notice that the bluebell bulbs have come straight up through both the new stones and the membrane underneath them - I don't really mind they'll make a nice splash of colour.

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